Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Work Out Wednesday

Welcome to Work Out Wednesday!

Like most people, one of my resolutions is to eat healthier and get in shape. As most of my fellow CreCommers can confirm, last semester I made it a point to make it to the school gym every day Monday-Friday, usually during spares and at lunch. I only did about 30 minutes of cardio each time, but hey, that’s 2 and a half hours more a week I had been doing originally. I had planned to keep this up during the holidays, and I did for the first little bit. The last week was a no go. My excuse? Working full-time, Christmas, New Years, etc. I figured I could let one week slide and start up again the first day back to school. But what happened instead? I dislocated my knee (as I often do) and had to take it easy for a week. 

Which brings me to this week. Me and the gym were reunited on Monday and it was a joyful reunion indeed. I skipped Tuesday due to laziness, but made sure I went today. I fully intend on going tomorrow and Friday, but we shall see how that goes. Until then, I leave you all with this Kanye West’s Workout Plan!

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