Thursday, 5 January 2012

Throwback Thursday- Lunchables

Remember Lunchables from back in the day? When I was a kid, sometime between grade 2 and 4, if your mom packed lunchables for you to take to school, you were the coolest kid ever. The most popular were the pizza ones, but they also had tacos, hot dogs, cheese/meat/crackers, etc. Tacos were my favourite.

I remember sometimes feeling like an underprivileged kid becuase I didn't get lunchables everyday like some of my other classmates. I would beg my mom to buy them for me and when she didn't, man was I unhappy. However, when mama Jennings did throw me a bone every now and then and buy me the meal of popularity, I was queen of the world.

Now that I'm in my early 20s and making my own money, I can buy lunchables as much as want! But somehow I doubt that bringing lunchables to college would make me queen of the world again. In any case, I saw some lunch mate on sale for $1.88 at Walmart the other day. Not quite lunchables but of course I had to buy them, and boy was it delicious.

Who's the queen of the world? This chick!

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