Monday, 19 March 2012

Musical Monday

Do you like Lil Wayne? Drake? Ludacris? And even a little Slim Shady?

Then you might be just as impressed with this guy as I was...

Friday, 2 March 2012

Let's Pretend It's Workout Wednesday!

So my February challenges were to do 15 sit-ups every day, and to not eat any desserts such as cupcakes, cookies, etc...

There were a few days early into the month where I missed doing my 15 sit-ups, so I made up for it by doing 60 one day, and 45 on another. But after a while too many days went by where I didn’t do any sit-ups, and I lost track of how many I was behind by. So mid-February I cut the sit-up challenge. Lame I know.

As for the no dessert, I was doing pretty good. I substituted my usual dessert for things like waffles, or oatmeal, or cereal, which made things easier. However, there were 3 instances where I cheated. I wasn’t going to mention those times, but then realized I would only be cheating myself. So confess I shall. When I went to a party in the middle of February there were a plate of little dainties like butter tarts and date squares. I didn’t know they were there until a few hours into the party. By that time I’ve had a few glasses of wine, and grabbed two little desserts without even thinking. Fail! 

But I didn’t let that slip stop me from continuing on with the challenge. However, I did cheat again when I went out with Laina and Lauren last week for crepes. I had a peanut butter cheesecake crepe. It sounded way too delicious to pass up!

The last time I cheated was either this Monday or Tuesday. I bought an apple jack at school because it was only 1 or 2 days in from reading week and I was already stressed out. Dessert to the rescue!

Even though I didn’t complete one challenge, and I cheated a few times with the other, I’m still happy I made an honest attempt, and I will continue to create challenges throughout the year. 

Want to know March’s Challenges?
1.       10 Sit-ups every day (we’re going to try this one again folks)
2.       Only 1 glass of juice or pop a day, MAX! Pop clearly has a lot of sugar in it, but of course so does juice. Juice typically has even more sugar than pop, and is loaded with carbohydrates. I never really used to drink water, but I just got back into it a couple of months ago, and I kind of like it now. Plus, the dietician I saw yesterday said that putting Crystal Light in it is perfectly acceptable.
3.       Save all of my toonies. It’s not the biggest money saver in the world, but I do happen to collect a lot of change. So if at the end of the month I have $50 worth of toonies to deposit into my bank account, I’ll consider myself $50 richer. (A friend of mine saved all of her loonies and toonies into her piggy bank until it was full, and when she finally opened it, she had enough money in it to buy herself a new was about $800 or so!

Wish me luck!

P.S. It's my birthday next Saturday, if I haven't advertised it enough so confirm your attendance on Facebook folks!