Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Gym Time- Workout Wednesday

I'm trying to make my way to the gym everyday Monday-Friday like last semester, but so far I've just been making it out about 3 times a week. Here's my excuse...

The most convenient time for me to work out is during the lunch hour. I sometimes go after school but if I have to work that doesn't leave much time. Also, I tend to get lazier as the day goes on so if I feel like I've had a long and strenuous day of classes, the idea of going home and and chillen in front of the TV or taking a nap seems way more appealing. As for before class, I could easily go to school an hour earlier, but that means an hour less of sleep, and who wants that?

So anyway, lunch time is the best time. However, all we seem to be doing this semester is group work. Seriously. Working in groups. For every class. On every project. For every assignment. Everyday. You know what that means? Coordinating different times outside of class to meet with all of these different groups I'm apart of. Which means? Giving up my lunch hour half the time, a.k.a giving up my gym slot for the day.

I assume this whole "let's all work in groups everyday" thing is going to carry on throughout the rest of the semester. And so, I've decided that I need to give up that extra hour of sleep (or go to bed an hour earlier) and make an effort to go to the gym in the mornings before class, on days I work or when I know I will be giving up my lunch slot.

 I got this!

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Undressed Survey

Hello Folks!

Some fellow CreCommers and I are creating a magaine called Undressed. 

Undressed explores the fresh, the fearless and the frisky sides of sexuality in Winnipeg. Right now we're conducting a survey to learn more about our target market and what they'd be looking for in this type of magazine.

If you could take 30 seconds to fill out our survey that would be fantastic:

A steamier survey is soon to follow...

Thanks guys and dolls!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Work Out Wednesday

Welcome to Work Out Wednesday!

Like most people, one of my resolutions is to eat healthier and get in shape. As most of my fellow CreCommers can confirm, last semester I made it a point to make it to the school gym every day Monday-Friday, usually during spares and at lunch. I only did about 30 minutes of cardio each time, but hey, that’s 2 and a half hours more a week I had been doing originally. I had planned to keep this up during the holidays, and I did for the first little bit. The last week was a no go. My excuse? Working full-time, Christmas, New Years, etc. I figured I could let one week slide and start up again the first day back to school. But what happened instead? I dislocated my knee (as I often do) and had to take it easy for a week. 

Which brings me to this week. Me and the gym were reunited on Monday and it was a joyful reunion indeed. I skipped Tuesday due to laziness, but made sure I went today. I fully intend on going tomorrow and Friday, but we shall see how that goes. Until then, I leave you all with this Kanye West’s Workout Plan!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Throwback Thursday- Lunchables

Remember Lunchables from back in the day? When I was a kid, sometime between grade 2 and 4, if your mom packed lunchables for you to take to school, you were the coolest kid ever. The most popular were the pizza ones, but they also had tacos, hot dogs, cheese/meat/crackers, etc. Tacos were my favourite.

I remember sometimes feeling like an underprivileged kid becuase I didn't get lunchables everyday like some of my other classmates. I would beg my mom to buy them for me and when she didn't, man was I unhappy. However, when mama Jennings did throw me a bone every now and then and buy me the meal of popularity, I was queen of the world.

Now that I'm in my early 20s and making my own money, I can buy lunchables as much as want! But somehow I doubt that bringing lunchables to college would make me queen of the world again. In any case, I saw some lunch mate on sale for $1.88 at Walmart the other day. Not quite lunchables but of course I had to buy them, and boy was it delicious.

Who's the queen of the world? This chick!

Monday, 2 January 2012

It's 2012 and me so excited!

Welcome to 2012 everyone! 

At the end of 2010 I vowed that 2011 would be a better year, and it was. 2011 wasn’t the most amazing year of my life, but it was definitely an improvement. Now I could sit here and bitch and moan about some of the nonsense that I encountered in 2011, but I’m trying to improve my outlook on life and so, I’ll focus on the positive (for now anyway).

2011 Highlights (in no particular order)

1.       Having my cousin Marquis visit from Calgary
2.       Living in the same apartment for one full calendar year (this is a HUGE achievement)
3.       Being accepted into the Creative Communication program at Red River (another HUGE achievement)
4.       Not having to apply for any of the jobs I’ve had this year
5.       Having Laurence visit from Quebec
6.       Taking my little cousin out for her first boat ride
7.       Making new friends
8.       Shopping in Grand Forks
9.       Bar nights with Anita and Josh
10.   A great Christmas spent with family and friends

Like I said, 2011 wasn’t the best year I’ve ever had, but it was 50 times better than 2010! 

I HOPED 2011 would be good, but I KNOW 2012 will be absolutely amazing. Let me tell you why...

Plans for 2012

1.       Coming up with a sweet IPP (independent professional project), most likely a gala or banquet of some sort
2.       Declaring a major in Public Relations
3.       A trip to New York in Spring
4.       Helping my friend Kimiya get her modelling career off the ground
5.       Interning at the Alpha Phi office in Illinois (or somewhere just as interesting)
6.       Hitting the gym Mon-Fri and eating healthy
7.       Starting my own radio show
8.       Getting VIP at the Opera Lounge for my 24th Birthday
9.       Visiting my cousin in Calgary
10.   Meeting a ton of new people

There are more things I’m looking forward to, but I'd hate to give it all away.

Happy New Year ladies and gents. Be sure to make it a good one!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Santa's Workshop 2011

Hello folks. Seeing as how the holidays are coming to a close, the Santa's Workshop page will be taken down. All of its contents are included in this post, so feel free to enjoy. Hope you all had a fantastic holiday. Stay tuned for Santa's Workshop 2012!

Santa's Workshop

December 27, 2011

Christmas Finale
As much as the Christmas season excites me, I always find myself just as excited when it comes to an end. I enjoy the hustle and bustle of everyone at the mall rushing around trying to find the perfect gift for that special someone, but the calm after the storm is also satisfying. 
This year I did the bulk of my Christmas shopping on December 23rd. This is highly unusual for me as I like to try and get things done early. The reason for the last minute shopping? I started a new job at the Body Shop during the last week of school (a silly idea by the way), when I already worked at Penningtons. Between the two jobs, I pretty much worked twice a day. So much for having a 3 week holiday, maybe next year? 
Anyway, there wasn’t a heck of a lot of time to get any shopping in. I was also pretty broke from only working 4-8 hours a week during the semester, so I had to wait until I got a big enough cheque to spend on my loved ones. 

My mom loves Christmas just as much as I do, if not more; we always make a big deal out of it. Since moving out a couple of years ago, I always make it a point to sleep at her place on Christmas Eve, and hopefully Christmas day, depending on how early I work boxing day (stupid retail). For the last two Christmases I was house-sitting for my friend Michal and her family, which meant that I could only sleep at my mom’s on Christmas Eve; I couldn’t leave Michal’s dog Chloe alone for too long. But this year I didn’t sit for her, which meant more time with mama Jennings. 

We usually each open one gift once it turns midnight, and then open the rest early Christmas morning after we’ve had breakfast. Christmas breakfast is ALWAYS egg nog pancakes, by my request of course. Delicious! 
My mom always gets me a ton of great gifts each year, one of the perks of being an only child (I get her a ton of gifts in return). This year at the gift on the top of my list is a 43” plasma TV!

On Christmas day my grandparents always pick us up and take us to my auntie’s house to exchange gifts with them. My mom and I always go halfers on gifts for the family, but I'm usually the one to pick them all out, seeing as how I'm a professional shopper and all. Giving gifts to my family is one of my favourite parts of Christmas!
Me and my cousin Jules

Cousins L-R: Tommy, Jules, Catarina, Brian    

Mom and Catarina

Me and my cute lil grandma

Christmas this year was exceptionally good, and I'm already excited for next Christmas. Until then,enjoy the rest of your holidays folks!

December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas, From Dior

Absolutely love this video!

December 18, 2011

Holiday Bonanza Recap

After a month of anticipation, Anita and I finally had our Holiday Bonanza last night. One thing you’ll learn about me is that I tend to over prepare when I host events and such. I was technically having two parties, one for my CreComm friends and one with simpletons...I mean non-CreComm friends. Apparently that led me to believe that I had to make twice as much food, not quite the case. 

I cooked about 5 lbs of spaghetti sauce because I didn’t want to risk running out during the first party, not leaving enough for the second. I used the same thinking for cupcakes. I made both vanilla and chocolate in case people wanted a choice, and made 55, yes 55 cupcakes total! My intent was to ice them all before 4pm, but of course that was a no go; I only iced half. I made them mainly because I love how they look on my cupcake tree. By the end of the night, I was force feeding cupcakes to people before they walked out the door, convincing them to take at least 5 home, if not 10. Believe me, giving away delicious cupcakes is harder than it sounds. I woke up this morning to about 35 cupcakes in my kitchen. Geeze Louise! 
What I failed to realize while preparing mass quantities of food, was that I was the one who suggested our party be a potluck, meaning, everyone bring food, not just me. Tons of delicious treats filled our table. Crackers, cheese, spinach dip, wings, mozzarella sticks, cookies, chips, salad, and the list goes on. I think one reason I over prepared with the food is because there are usually quite a few people who don’t bring anything to potlucks. I forgot that CreComm students are usually on the ball, which I love and appreciate! Anyway, enough about food.
We also had quite a bit of booze as well, mostly wine, beer, strawberry daiquiris, and Jell-O shots! In addition to over 50 cupcakes, I also made about 50 red and green Jell-O shots, A.K.A. the perfect amount. I’m not in any way a Jell-O fan, but if there’s raspberry or watermelon vodka in them, I don’t mind taking one, or 5, for the team. 
It was nice seeing my fellow CreCommers, I’ve missed them this past week. And I’m sad to say that some of us won’t be in the same class next semester. Oh well, it’s a chance to make new friendships right? But we did have a good time last night. It was also nice seeing some of my old high school friends again. It’s weird how fast time flies...(cliché I know, but lucky for me I’m not composing a creative writing assignment). It feels like graduation was just yesterday, when in fact, it was 5 years ago. Don’t ask me how that works. 
I’m glad you guys n’ gals came to our party, and I hope you had as great a time as we did. Happy holidays everyone :D 

 December 15, 2011

Throwback Thursday- Christmas Parties

     In high school I used to have a Christmas party every year and it was always a blast. We would do an informal gift exchange and I ALWAYS got a gift from EVERYONE because I was the hostess, which may be why I kept having Christmas parties. I would cram 15 of my closest freinds into my apartment and we'd be nice and cozy. I haven't had a Christmas party since I moved out of my mom's place a couple of years ago, weird I know. But if you knew the history of my past living situations, it would make more sense. Anywho, my roommate Anita and I are having our first holiday party and we're both super excited. I'm guessing we're going to have about 20 people in our apartment, so I'm looking forward to that familiar cozy feeling :)

November 26, 2011

Holiday Shopper 

Running behind a big empty cart, all she can hear is the pounding of her heart.
“Why did I wait? How stupid? How dumb? I’m always surprised when Christmas Eve comes.”
 She slows down a tad to sip ginger ale, but she can’t pause for long or she’ll miss all the sales.
She then picks up speed while in the toy aisle; it’s packed with late-shoppers, not one with a smile.
She stops for a minute to reach her hand up, “What kid would want this? A pig in a tea cup?”
With no time to waste, toy pig goes in her cart, further down the aisle, she begins to dart.
She grabs all she can, rushing to checkout to pay, “I need to rush faster, there’s no time to delay.
Before she reaches the checkout, off go the store lights. On the intercom she hears,  “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”

Charmaine & Anita’s Holiday Party Bonanza!- November 16, 2011
Hey you! No, not you...YOU! Over there. Behind that guy with the eyes. No. No. You, to the right. Yes you! Hello. 
What are you doing on December 17th?
You’re going to Charmaine & Anita’s Holiday Party Bonanza? Lucky you! What time does it start?
Oooh, 7:30? Sounds like a good time to start a party. Where is it?
At their apartment eh? Sounds like it’ll be nice and cozy...I like cozy. 
I know they’re going to provide some food, but are you going to bring food with you too?
Ya, I figured you would. You’re so nice! I’m sure they’re not gonna make you cook a whole turkey or anything, just finger food and stuff right?
Thought so. 
Do you know if everyone who looks at this page is invited? Cause that would be a ton of people...
Ya, I figured they’d make a Facebook event with the official invite list. It’ll probably be made by the end of this week I’m sure. 
What was that? You have to bring gifts for the bodacious Charmaine and the beautiful Anita?
Ha ha ha, I knew you were kidding about that. Man, you are high larry us! 
Well, hopefully I get invited too! I guess I’ll have to hang tight for my official Facebook invite.
Until then...

CreComm Section 2Holiday Party- November 12, 2011

Hello CreComm Section 2.
It saddens me to say that our time together as the best section in first year, is coming to an end. Let’s all take a moment of silence to reflect on the semester thus far...
Good times at Kings Head...
Mark’s marker social wife beater...
Things Big Shooter says...
Brandon’s “C’MON MANs”...
Writer’s Craft rants (My scrambled eggs is better than yours)...
And the list goes on...
What better way to bring this semester to a close than to have a HOLIDAY PARTY!!!!
All of you guys are invited to come over to my apartment on Saturday, December 17th at 4PM for a section 2 holiday fiesta. I know what you’re thinking, “How are 24 people going to cram into one apartment?” The answer? We’ll make it work; it’ll be nice and cozy J I’ll be creating a Facebook event for this as well which will give you my address and more details. 
I believe a few people mentioned the idea of doing a gift exchange, so I’d like to know how you guys would want to do it? We can set a gift price limit and simply do a secret Santa, draw names, and buy a gift for that person. Or we could all bring one gift to the party, and draw names for the picking order of gifts. Or we can do something entirely different. What do you guys ‘n gals think?
I was also thinking a potluck would be fun! Yay or Nay? I could conjure up a sort of “sign-up sheet” to pass around so we don’t send up 23 different desserts and 1 salad. I vote Yay! 
Leave a page comment and let me know what you guys think and we’ll go from there.
Happy Sunday everyone.
 Now get back to writing those articles!

Santa Clause Parade- November 11, 2011

Tomorrow is Winnipeg's 102nd annual Santa Clause Parade!

Fun Fact: Eaton's Department Store held its first Santa Claus Parade in 1905 in Toronto. The Parade was so successful that in 1909 Eaton's started parades in Montreal and Winnipeg. The Winnipeg Santa Clause Parade has been held sucessfully every year since and celebrates its 102nd anniversary this year.

 The parade starts at 5PM and will end with fireworks at The Forks at 7PM. Check out the Santa Clause Parade website for more details. 

Have fun ladies and gents!

I Hate Winter- November 9, 2011

Okay, I don’t HATE winter, but at times it drives me absolutely bonkers and makes me question why all Winnipeggers don’t follow the birds, fly south, and stay there until Spring.  I’m not a fan of -50 weather, I dislike how busses are always late (or don’t show up at all), snow seeping through my boots and getting my socks wet is annoying, trudging through un-shovelled snow banks makes me sad, and the list goes on!
View From Balcony
However, I do like one thing that accompanies winter...THE HOLIDAYS :D I love the Christmas commercials, the holiday parties, the scenery, egg nog, ice skating at the forks (though I don’t know how), Christmas movies, PRESENTS, house-sitting  for my little sister Michal while she’s in Hawaii with her family (she’s cute and Jewish... a fun tidbit and a clue that her name is not pronounced “MichaEl”), and so much more. 
Because I love the holidays so much, I’ve decided that this year I’m not going to focus on the frostbite on my ears, and just enjoy the holiday season with my family and friends. I invite you all to share in the holiday spirit with me, by commenting on this page. I want to hear how you celebrate the holidays, your favourite holiday memories, or what you plan on buying me for Christmas. 
Portage Place

Portage Place
In return, I’ll keep you posted on what holiday events are going on in the city, and do my best to entertain you with my own little Christmas activities.
Let the holidays begin! 

My roommate Anita and I plan on turning our apartment into Santa's workshop; jam packed with decorations! Our friend Josh put up our tree last weekend.
Josh and Anita

Now it just needs decorations!